SUV (Maximum capacity up to 4 guests) $150 USD per vehicle, one way + US$2.00 per person, one way, staff gratuities
MINIVAN (Maximum capacity up to 6 guests) $105 USD per vehicle, one way + US$2.00 per person, one way, staff gratuities

Select type of Transportation

Select Number Person(s) Arriving
Select Date Arriving

Select Arrival Time (Hrs) :

Select Number Person(s) Departure
Select Date Departure

Select Departure Time (Hrs) :


How to find us at the Cancun International Airport upon arrival.

Arrival Instructions T3 (AA, UA, DL, AC, NK, BA).
Once you have cleared customs, please proceed until you reach the outdoor secured arrival hall where you will be met by the EPIC airport team. The greeter will be positioned on the right side of the outdoor meeting area by the Margaritaville Bar, and will display a handheld welcome sign with the ACSDA Logo on it. You will then be escorted to your vehicle for your transfer to Atelier Playa Mujeres (transfer time about 45 – 60 minutes, traffic wise).
The uniform worn by the airport greeter is a white polo shirt bearing the name EPIC and navy-blue pants. In the event you are unable to locate us, please call Diana Esparza at +52 - 998 –137 9829 (Cell phone number).

Arrival Instructions T4: (DE, F9, WS, F8, WN, B6, TS, TP, AM, LH).
Once you have cleared customs, please proceed until you reach the outdoor secured arrival hall exciting through the glass door to your left hand where you will be met by the EPIC airport team. Make sure to exit through the "Ground Transportation Services and Taxis door" The greeter will be positioned right across, at the end of the outdoor hall by the meeting area and will display a handheld welcome sign with the ACSDA Logo on it. You will then be escorted to your vehicle for your transfer to Atelier Playa Mujeres (transfer time about 45 – 60 minutes, traffic wise).
Note: The uniform worn by the airport greeter is a white polo shirt bearing the name EPIC and navy-blue pants. In the event you are unable to locate us, please call Diana Esparza at +52 - 998 –137 9829 (Cell phone number).
